About Us
Christian Ministries Association (CMA) was founded in 1982. It is governed by an 8-member board of directors. The primary purpose of founding Christian Ministries was to evangelize, to plant churches and to assist other church planting organizations in Canada and in other countries as well.
CMA is a small organization with a big vision - to reach thousands of souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to plant and assist in planting churches wherever the Lord opens the door to do so. Our mission and goal is to make disciples and to provide training and support to the believers and leaders in the churches and the mission fields where God sends us.
Under the umbrella of Christian Ministries Association, we have:
Gospel Chapel
An evangelical church founded in 1992 in La Broquerie, Manitoba.
Marchand Chapel
An evangelical church founded in 2005 in Marchand, Manitoba.
Gospel Outreach
The mission arm of CMA committed to evangelize, to plant churches and to train and support leaders and missionaries in many countries abroad. Gospel Outreach has been involved in mission work in Germany, Ukraine, Jamaica, India, and Cuba.
We also founded Calvary Chapel, an evangelical church at Steinbach, Manitoba in 1982. Please note that Calvary Chapel is no longer under the auspices of Christian Ministries.
For more information on the above ministries, click on the appropriate tabs for each one.
Pastor Peter Broesky
Founder and President