Cell Groups
Our church Cell Groups meet during the months of September to May in the church or homes to fellowship and learn God's word together. Either presentation of a video teaching series or actual bible study is presented by trained facilitators who make sure each one has an opportunity to share their thoughts on the subject. These small groups are a great place to get to know others from church and to learn how to become disciples of Jesus Christ by close interaction and sharing our thoughts and prayer needs.
Cell Group Leaders & Location of Meetings
Pastor Gerry & Olga Broesky:
Young Adults, Monday's 7pm, La Broquerie, MB
Pastor Ernie & Lynne Fréchette:
Wednesday's 7pm, La Broquerie, MB
Pastor Ernie & Lynne Fréchette:
Saturday's 8am, La Broquerie, MB
Some DVD series that we have taken in the past are:
- The Fear of the Lord by John Bevere
- Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
- Bait of Satan by John Bevere
- The Truth Project by Focus on the Family
Everyone is welcome; please feel free to join any one of our Cell Groups!
For more information, please contact:
Church Office: 1 (204) 424-5796